Produce Quick Tips

Do you know how to choose a ripe mango? Want some tips on new ways to prepare and serve cauliflower?

These Produce Quick Tips can help you learn how to select, serve, and store a variety of ripe fruits and vegetables. You can also learn which key nutrients are in the fruit or vegetable. And, there are even a few fun-to-know facts on each card.

Get started now! Use these Produce Quick Tips to learn how to select and prepare a fruit or vegetable you have never tried. Or, learn a new way to serve your favorite fruits and vegetables.

Alphabetical Quick Links:

A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z  


Acorn Squash (PDF 188KB)

Apples (PDF 124KB)

Artichokes (PDF 172KB)

Asparagus (PDF 128KB)

Avocados (PDF 124KB)


Bananas (PDF 120KB)

Bell Peppers (PDF 128KB)

Blackeye Peas (PDF 180KB)

Bok Choy (PDF 184KB)

Broccoli (PDF 136KB)

Butternut Squash (PDF 128KB)


Cabbage (PDF 184KB)

Cactus Leaves (PDF 184KB)

Cantaloupe (PDF 172KB)

Carrots (PDF 120KB)

Cauliflower (PDF 124KB)

Cherries (PDF 176KB)

Collard Greens (PDF 136KB)

Corn (PDF 172KB)


Dried Fruits (PDF 180KB)


Frozen Fruit (PDF 124KB)

Fuyu Persimmons (PDF 168KB)


Grapefruit (PDF 128KB)

Green Beans (PDF 176KB)


Jicama (PDF 172KB)


Kiwifruit (PDF 172KB)


Mangos (PDF 124KB)


Okra (PDF 132KB)

Oranges (PDF 116KB)


Peaches (PDF 164KB)

Pears (PDF 164KB)

Peas (PDF 176KB)

Plums (PDF 120KB)

Potatoes (PDF 172KB)


Spinach (PDF 184KB)

Strawberries (PDF 136KB)

Sweet Potatoes (PDF 124KB)


Tomatoes (PDF 120KB)


Watermelon (PDF 120KB)


Yellow Squash (PDF 176KB)


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Helpful Hints

  • Print each Produce Quick Tip card. Keep them in a handy spot in your kitchen.
  • What does one cup look like? Download the Energize Your Body with Fruits and Vegetables! poster (PDF 1MB) to find out.
  • Want to learn what vitamin A can do for the body? Download the Benefits of Fruits and Vegetables (PDF 184KB) to learn about many key nutrients and what each of these can do to keep you healthy.
  • Try something new. Use the Produce Quick Tip cards to learn about a fruit or vegetable you have never tried. Then, test out one of the serving ideas.
  • Family Night! Let your children select a different fruit or vegetable each week and then prepare the dish together.